Internal Innovation Development
We understand the internal challenges organisations can have in establishing effective and cost efficient innovation frameworks.
Developing a whole of business innovation culture can be a daunting task, but is becoming more and more critical to many organisations’ success and longevity.
In our Internal Innovation Development Program, Advivo ICP assist our clients in developing strong internal innovation frameworks supported by the development of defined innovation culture. This process involves four key steps:
- An innovation framework and culture audit – this involves a number of meetings, both group and individual to gain required insights as to the companies purpose, objectives, current mechanisms and mapping the innovation opportunity
- An innovation framework and culture recommendation report – from the audit and understanding of the companies objectives and aspirations, Advivo ICP designs the framework that will best suit the organisation. Often the implementation of innovation framework (and subsequent culture) is a multi-phased approach to take into account the reality of cultural change. The framework process takes into account budget allocation, resources (human and other) and the development of internal processes including communications throughout the organisation
- Implementation – Advivo ICP then works with you to implement the framework. This will include documented procedures, templates and educational workshops among divisional departments.
- Ongoing support – depending on needs, we can work with you to “check in” with the implementation process ensuring those that are allocated with the responsibility of driving innovation frameworks and culture have experts to access as inevitably occur during the implementation process
Our program can be tailored to be as supportive as what is required. We tailor based on:
- the objectives and value that your company has around properly developing proactive innovation frameworks
- future vision of the company
- the level of change required for each individual within the organisation to learn and understand the value of innovation to their role, and therefore the entire performance of the company